Homeschool Futsal Tournament Interest Form Due January 7

3rd-8th grade homeschool students who are interested in playing in the CSAL futsal tournament, please fill out this interest form


The interest form helps us determine whether we have enough players to form a team at the widget (3rd/4th), JV (5th/6th), or varsity (7th/8th) level. Registering with CSAL is not a commitment but just buys us more time in determining our potential teams.

  • CSAL futsal is co-ed.

  • Futsal is indoor, hardcourt 5v5 soccer.

  • Only 1 practice the week of Feb. 3. Possible one more practice between Feb. 10-22. Time and location TBD.

  • 3 pool play games (M-Th) February 10-20.

  • single-elimination bracket play February 24-28.

  • See Code of Conduct/Dress/Hair

We need coaches! Email if interested in coaching.