Sponsor a Seminarian
We are blessed to have the Archdiocese assign seminarians to our summer camps. Please consider a donation to help cover their stipends.
Thank you to our 2024 Camp Sponsors:
Thomas Wurtz of Varsity Catholic:
“These camps demonstrate what sports should be about - the forming of our youth as disciples. We need these all over the country.”
Why Catholic sports camps?
From Sacred Scripture to Vatican II, Christianity has much to say about sports (see a summary here). As Pope Pius XII said, "How can the Church not be interested in sport?" The Church "sees in sport a gymnasium of the spirit, a means to exercise moral education; and because of this it admires, approves, and encourages the practice of sport in its various forms" (Bl. Pope Paul VI). Saints from Paul to JPII stress the natural fit between athletics training and training for heaven. "While playing sports, Christians find help in developing the cardinal virtues" (JPII). St. Paul wrote, "do everything for the glory of God" (1Cor. 10:31). "Everything" includes sports!
Camps includes prayer, drills, competitive games, contests, prizes, giveaways, training in virtue and Christian discipleship, Catholic mentoring, and testimonials.
Testimonials from parents and campers:
“Our boys had such a powerful experience at camp. I wasn’t sure what they would think of tennis having no previous experience, but they were so full of life and enthusiasm all week. They learned so much on a physical level, but they also grew immensely from spending time in the company of strong young men and adults who inspired them to be tougher and more serious about holiness. What would have gone in one ear and out the other coming from mom seems to have fallen on far more receptive ground because it came from guys they look up to. Thank you for your initiative - we’ll be back!”
“Being assigned to Frassati Sports this summer was a huge blessing! It was a great opportunity to meet young families and children that I may one day have the opportunity to work with and minister to. It also provided me with a great opportunity to use talents God has given me and my own love of sports to share His love to kids, and to walk with kids in their own development of friendship with Jesus and growth in the virtues modeled by the patron saints of their teams. It was also great to apply what I have learned in formation to concrete situations where I teach by example, outside a classroom setting.”