“Why do we spend the time and money on sports? Sports are a school of virtue and a way to give glory to God. Frassati Sports not only gets that, but they intentionally teach it and talk about it continuously through the sports they coach. It gives good and pure purpose to playing sports. We are so grateful for Frassati Sports!”
“From its inception, Frassati Sports has emerged as an amazing leader in Catholic youth formation, both for its excellence and for filling a specific need. Authentic Catholicism is shown both directly by teaching virtues, and indirectly by modeling this lifestyle through young volunteers, coaches, and clerics who show our youth what being a Catholic strong in his faith looks like.”
Clinic Season Cycle
Fall 1: September - Mid October Fall 2: Late October - Mid December Winter: Mid January - Early March Spring: Late March - Mid May
Homeschool Clinics
We offer a wide variety of homeschool clinics throughout the fall, winter, and spring. Scheduled weekly in the early afternoon for six weeks, these clinics take place at various locations. If interested in starting one near you, email coachmikita@frassatisports.org.
After-School Clinics
We offer a wide variety of weekly sports clinic conveniently scheduled after school. If interested in bringing Frassati and/or Badano Sports to your school, email coachmikita@frassatisports.org.
Preseason Tune Ups
Our preseason clinics are a full Saturday with drills, Adoration, Mass, lunch, games, Confessions, goal setting, conditioning, prayer, and contests in preparation for the season ahead. If interested in bringing a Frassati or Badano preseason clinic to your parish or school, email admin@frassatisports.org.
“Adding this spiritual, intellectual component to sports is a literal Godsend for our family.”